Integrating camera capture technology & interactive gaming to improve motor control & coordination

Re-training motor skills that have been lost due to injury, illness or simply disuse takes intensive practice. But repetitive exercises quickly lead to boredom and loss of adherence to a rehabilitation program. The NeuroGym® TIMTRAINER overcomes this challenge by creating an engaging and motivational environment for re-learning motor abilities.

Key Benefits

  • Improve intensity of training
  • Enhance rehabilitation outcomes
  • Effectively train a wide variety of movements

Using a combination of camera-captured movement technology and NeuroGym®’s patented computer algorithms for movement training, the TIMTRAINER creates a fun and enjoyable environment for re-learning motor skills. The location of coloured sensors that are either held by or attached to the user is recorded by the camera and interfaced with computer games. Desired movements such as reaching, standing up from a seated position, weight shifting or stepping can then control a computer game. The range, speed and general complexity of the game can be changed to allow for the user’s ability and progress.

The TIMTRAINER can be used for the training of a wide variety of movements of the head, trunk, and upper and lower extremities. It can be used to enhance the intensity of many exercises such as those for hand control and balance. An effective tool on its own, the TIMTRAINER may also complement training with a variety of other NeuroGym Technologies equipment or other training techniques. For example, a combination of the Sit-to-Stand Trainer with a vertically moving sensor allows for an exceptionally effective environment to improve standing and squatting. Similarly, a combination of the Exercise Wheelchair and a horizontal sensor allows for intensive training of core trunk muscles and the lower extremities.


“The TimTrainer make the exercises in rehabilitation much more enjoyable. I’m able to work more intensively and I don’t focus on the pain nearly as much. Without even realizing it, I was able to dramatically increase the range of movement of my frozen shoulder.”

Elizabeth, A 55 year-old woman recovering from a broken shoulder

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