Peter Lopez D.V.M. New York, USA

I really do not have the words to describe the happiness that encloses my soul and heart this moment. I received the Bungee Mobility Trainer yesterday afternoon and was extremely anxious, not knowing how I would feel on the unit, very little sleep. In short I can tell you: “IT WAS AMAZING.” It exceeded my expectation by 100 folds. You see, though I was able to walk with a cane while holding to another person I was never loading weight on my muscles as I did on the Bungee Mobility Trainer. It felt so good to feel all of my legs, hips and core working together as a unit, I almost broke down and cried. We then practice doing squats and though it was difficult I can see how my quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and transverse abdominis immediately began to find each other to work as a unit; it was like an orchestra tuning into a new song.
Avi, I really do not have the words to thank you for your invention, it is truly enlightening and liberating for those of us who have mobility problems.

Chelsea, Caregiver to Ben, Acquired Brain Injury Survivor, Australia

The bungee mobility trainer is fantastic, Ben takes it up to the gym and uses the aerobics room to practice walking and standing and balance for nearly four hours a day. He places a step in front of him, and is able to make his left foot (the deficit side) lift and place properly on the step and lift and place back down. We use an exercise ball and get him to bring his knee up and try and get his heel to touch his bum when lifting his foot backwards to kick the ball forward. He is able to stand when we go out to functions and be eye level with everyone instead of the conversation happening a few feet above him and only being able to join in when someone asks him a question. His two younger nieces who are just two have also begun to interact with him differently as they are a bit weary of the wheelchair and Ben not being able to talk properly but they were dancing in the living room together on the very first day he got it. It was quite amazing.

Denise M. Provost Ottawa, ON

I would like to express my appreciation for the stability Bungee Mobility Trainer.
Being disabled since August 2010, I started using the Mobility Trainer in our basement in June 2011. I have a circuit in the basement and I use it two or three times a day while I am exercising. It has helped me to improve my balance. Last Christmas I bought a treadmill and with my husband’s generous help, he installed a ramp so I can now use my Bungee Mobility Trainer and walk with the treadmill. I walk for 10 minutes at a speed of 1.8 miles per hour.

I feel more and more confident and hope to soon be able to walk without holding on to anything.

In other words, I really find this walking aide great and would recommend it to anyone who needs help to start walking again. It gives you confidence and you are not afraid to fall.

Donald Hushion, Hudson, Quebec

7 years ago, at age 66 I experienced an ischemic stroke. It left me paralyzed on my right side and as a result, dramatically changed my life.  My newly acquired passions for golf and curling were now beyond me. I needed new activities and goals to get passionate about – that’s just who I am. After 6 months of limited rehabilitation, I recognized the need to focus on exercise opportunities because of the way and rate which my body was already atrophying, and the impact that it was having on my life and well-being.

I eventually came to realize that I had no choice but to try and stay more physically active, and to remain socially active in the community as well, or I might just as well file myself away within the confines of my office and live my life vicariously on my computer. I am happy that ‘well-being’, both physical and mental, for me and for others, has gradually became my mantra and my mission.

I knew that Physical Park was one of the few facilities accessible from Hudson QC where I live that was interested in supporting older people and people with handicaps like mine with specialized programming and equipment. Physical Park is one of the few gyms in our area to have NeuroGym equipment specially designed and built to support the rehabilitation of people with neurological problems. I can speak personally to the fact that their “Sit-to-Stand” and “Bungee Mobility Trainer” are proving extremely beneficial to me and people like me who have walking and balance problems due to a stroke or other disabilities.  This unique equipment, along with their highly experienced and motivated staff, significantly improves the probability of real rehabilitation progress.  I know this for a fact.

Many of us have come to realize that not only is there hope but real physical and mental progress is actually being gained by those who have demonstrated that they are able to make the personal commitment to give it a chance.  All it requires is that we make a decision… a decision to take advantage of the exceptional opportunities that are available to us.  Thank you, NeuroGym® and thank you, Physical Park.  You have given me a future to look forward to, and indeed, am living already.